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Partnering with Abi
2019 Whipporwill Skill Share
Boonesborough, KY
May 18, 2019
Partnering with Abi has rewarded the organizers of Kentucky's Annual Whipporwhill Festival with a mini-grant to bring people together for a Skill Share and to support the Whippoorwill Festival. The goal of the Whippoorwill Festival is to promote sustainable living in Appalachia by sharing earth-friendly living skills with one another in a joyful, healthy, family-friendly atmosphere. 2019 will be the ninth year for the festival,
2022 PWA Mini Grant Recipients
HomeGrown HideAways
HomeGrown HideAways provides support for our vision by donating a portion of the profits from the Airbnb they host in Abi's yurt! It was a perfect match when Abi's yurt found a new home on their property in the holler that Abi loved. Through their support we have been able to start the Mini Grant Program, funding organizations that support Partnering with Abi's Mission.

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