Partnering with Abi
April 13, 2013
Berea College

The NTSA along with HEAL, LASSA, SGA, and People who care are sponsoring a Skill Share. This will be a community event- all are welcome and encouraged to come learn, share, talk, eat, laugh, and generally have a blast. There will be workshops such as Intro to Bee Keeping, Flint Knapping, Spring Gardening, Leather Tanning, Female Reproductive Health, Wine Making, Wool Spinning and many more! Come on down to the Common Roost!
This skill share is a celebration of all the little talents that everyone has and is in special recognition of Abigail Dietz.

Skill Share Events:
There will be a gathering and talk from 12pm until 1. All ongoing workshops will begin at 1 pm.
Plant Girl: gardening workshop, starting plants from seed, and spring wild edibles. A session devoted to spring planting, the do’s and don’ts of a home garden, and all the tasty treats hiding in your lawn. Take home the seeds you plant! Presented by Saxon Brown (Ongoing workshop)
Shiitake Inoculation: Come learn how to grow your own shiitake mushrooms on oak logs. Possibly take one home and have fresh gourmet mushrooms growing in your own backyard! Presented by Willie Dodson (Ongoing workshop)
Drop Spinning Yarn: Learn how to transform wool into beautiful yarn. Local, chemical free wool can be spun in this very easy method, with a drop spindle that can be made from all kinds of materials. Presented by Phil Willett (Ongoing workshop)
Tin Whistle Making: Learn how to make your very own tin whistle using recycled materials such as old olive oil cans! Fun for all ages. Presented by Cory Shenk (Ongoing workshop)
Simple Home Wine Making: A basic introduction to fermenting juice to make quick and tasty wines at home. Take home a bottle and watch the yeast do its work! Presented by Jesse Wilhite (Starts at 2 pm)
Sharpening Basics: Blades, Chains, and Hoes: Learn basic skills for sharpening all kinds of tools with grinders and files. Presented by Ben Ibershoff (Starts at 2pm)
Jewelry making: Make your own bead jewelry with wire and other materials! Presented by Taye Spink (Starts at 2 pm)
Burnt Bowl Demonstration: Learn primitive bowl making, with fire. Presented by Jesse Fowler (Starts at 2 pm)
Yoghurt and Cream Cheese Making: Learn how to use cultures to make your own yoghurt and cream cheese, so easy and way tastier! Presented by Bethany Cook (Starts at 3 pm)
Flint Knapping: The how to of making arrowheads from rock and glass. Presented by Levi Fawcett (Starts at 3 pm)
DIY female reproductive health (cap of 12 ppl, female bodied people only) An informational session on how to manage your health as a female using natural methods. Presented by Lark Juchartz (Starts at 3pm)
Ginger Ale Brewing: Love Ale-8? Learn to make it yourself, but even better in this session that transforms ginger, water, and sugar into a super tasty, fizzy beverage! Presented by Camille Hyberger (Starts at 4 pm)